18 gennaio 2011

Website of Catherine of Siena Institute

CathNews India – www.cathnewsindia.com
Published Date: January 17, 2011

The Catherine of Siena Institute is a program of the Western Dominican Province dedicated to equipping parishes for the formation of lay Catholics for their mission in the world.
Established in 1997, the institute provides innovative resources and programming that are faithful to the teaching of the Church and will enable parishes to become lively and dynamic centers of evangelization and formation.
It works to make apostolic formation and support readily available to all lay Catholics by making self-formation resources available to lay Catholics throughout the world and equipping parishes to become houses of formation, discernment, and apostolic support for the laity.
It seeks to bridge the gap between the Church’s vision for the laity and the reality of the current evangelization and formation practices and structures in parishes.

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