31 dicembre 2017
29 dicembre 2017
28 dicembre 2017
27 dicembre 2017
24 dicembre 2017
23 dicembre 2017
22 dicembre 2017
17 dicembre 2017
15 dicembre 2017
14 dicembre 2017
13 dicembre 2017
11 dicembre 2017
KOLKATA - Pope Francis reminds us that “life is strengthened by giving it and is weakened by isolation and by comfort it grows and matures in the measure in which we give it for the life of others (EG no.10).” This is exactly what took place in Mornese in the year 1877. We are privileged to rediscover the fire that burned in the heart of those first missionary Sisters in order to live the present with a sense of responsibility and look to the future with hope. We are indeed grateful to our dear Sr. Alaide Deretti, counsellor of the Mission for her animation and preparation for this great day. The celebrations in and around the communities made us to believe that missionary vocation can be born only when there is a fire burning , where the spirit of the universe is vibrant as in Mother Mazzarello and the first community of Mornese. This was the secret of the expansion of our Institute.
From 14 November 2016 – 14 November 2017, the yearlong preparation was done through reading the life profile of the First six missionary sisters and the study of ‘100 Questions Quiz on the life of Sr. Angela Vallese’, prepared with much love and precision by Sr. Mary George U. The 140th Anniversary of the First FMA Missionary Expedition, was really a memorable day. All our Communities prepared this day with a Triduum. During the evening adorations and prayer moments, we thanked God for the courage and decision of our first missionaries ‘ad gentes’. We thanked God for the present FMA missionary vocation. We really experienced that every community and every daughter of Mary Help of Christians has a missionary face, missionaries with apostolic daring and zeal.
14th November 2017 was the climax of our celebration. Almost all our communities began the day with a solemn morning prayer with the replica of the ship displayed along with the captains of the ship and the arrival of the six missionaries with Mother Mazzarello who introduced them to Don Bosco and to the assembly. Placards highlighting the importance of the dream, date, venue and the response of each missionary ‘Here I am, send me’ were displayed along with the picture of Mary Help of Christians with the smiling baby. We even remembered our six pioneers of our Indian Missionaries. The Psalms of thanksgiving and praise were sung for the wonders the Lord has done in our Missionary Institute. Every community solemnised the Holy Mass, giving a short introduction, highlighting the importance of the day’s event for all the faithful, such as Parishioners, Co-operators, boarders, students, past pupils and other members of the Salesian family who attended the Eucharistic celebration.
This day coincided with the Children’s Day celebration in many communities. The introduction to the Holy Mass highlighted the Spirit of Mornese and the Charism of St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello which crossed the ocean to an unknown new world, Uruguay Latin America. The celebration reached its peak with an hour of evening prayer service. The mandate of Jesus to His disciples and the departure of first missionary sisters entering the Port of Genoa were enacted. This was followed by symbolic offerings of the Bible, globe, ship and a vase bearing the names of the Sisters. They signified their total availability and readiness for any sacrifice, even that of never returning to their home country.
St. John Bosco’s parting message to memorize and live the constitutions was also enacted. The example of Mary most Holy the first missionary was highlighted as our souls were in tuned to the Magnificat. The day ended on a joyous note with the inspiring thought ‘a missionary exists wherever a missionary heart exists’. We owe our manifestation of love for our sisters as we live our lives with gratitude, fidelity, and prophecy.
A few communities celebrated this event with the Salesian parish communities, and narrated the journey and struggles made by the first missionaries at their departure to Uruguay and the fervour, zeal enthusiasm and courage with which they set out only to accomplish one goal, of saving souls. After the celebration many communities shared with the members their joy and happiness by way of dinner and snacks.
Some schools celebrated missionary week. Where students expressed their talents and love for our six missionaries through prayer dance, skit, drama and songs. The Sisters took the initiative to prepare the students by narrating the life and mission of these first missionaries. To mark this day an exhibition of the drawing and sketches of our first missionary sisters were displayed. Everyone enjoyed and were surprised in seeing the future modern FMAs on the stage.
The celebration filled us with a strong sense of gratitude for all that God has accomplished in our institutes through the instrumentality of humble and simple souls. May our Salesian Saints intercede for us from heaven and the fervour of this celebration continue to inflame our hearts and minds, and thus encourage missionary vocations for the Institute.
FMA Kolkata
7 dicembre 2017
6 dicembre 2017
5 dicembre 2017
4 dicembre 2017
3 dicembre 2017
San Francesco Saverio - Patrono delle Missioni e dell'Oriente
Nel ricordo di San Francesco Saverio, un augurio di buona missione a tutti i missionari e le missionarie ad gentes.
O Dio, che hai chiamato molti popoli dell’Oriente
alla luce del Vangelo,
con la predicazione apostolica
di san Francesco Saverio,
fa’ che ogni comunità cristiana
arda dello stesso fervore missionario,
perché su tutta la terra la santa Chiesa si allieti di nuovi figli.
Per Cristo nostro Signore.
1 dicembre 2017
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